Wednesday, August 18, 2010


As it always has, fortunately winter was followed by spring and summer. Spring in Connecticut is a wonderful time. Trees are showing new growth and flowers are peeking out of the ground, almost like saying "is it safe to come out and bloom", and when they do, it's a riot of color and aroma.

Hartford was a nice city. Our District Sales office was located there in the Bond Hotel. Our District Manager, Holt Shipman, reported to the Boston regional office. We usually had one or two meetings a year in Boston. I was enjoying working at Bradley Field Airport, and Hip Lloyd was certainly a good boss to work for, but I couldn't see myself as a ticket or operations' agent for the rest of my life. For now, it was fine, and with a new baby on the way, I was looking forward to staying put for some time. Eastern was growing and we were adding extra flights. It was a busy time… And time was flying.

It was on September 1st. 1954, that we had our new arrival when Helen brought forth a second beautiful baby girl, Karen Ann Kitchener. We now had Kathy and Karen. I was amazed that both girls were always so content. They rarely cried or were sick; they were just the best babies anyone could have. Karen was blue eyed and very blond like her mother, she was not quite as big as Kathy was, and it was apparent that she was going to be a tall young lady. Kathy was almost two years old and took great interest in Karen. She was happy to have a baby sister and was looking forward to play with her when they got older. Kathy even at that age was a very caring child.

It was at that time that District Manager Holt Shipman asked me to come down to his office in Hartford for a meeting. Holt told me that they were going to expand the District Office and were planning to add an Outside Sales Representative. Holt wanted to know if I would be interested in applying for the position. The job would entail calling on all the travel agents in the district and all the major commercial establishments in an effort to get them to use Eastern Airlines when they travelled. Holt told me that he had already spoken to Hip Lloyd and Hip was in accord with offering me the interview.

I had had a little bit of experience in outside sales while in Miami. I spent a few days with the outside representatives calling on agents and hotel concierges. The airlines didn't have many outside sales people in those days. The only one that I knew in Connecticut was a man worked for United Air Lines. In any event, I was ready to learn more and told Holt that I would welcome the opportunity to interview for the job.

A few weeks later Al Terrell, the Regional Manager from Boston came down to Hartford to interview me. I had met Al in Boston during our regional meetings.I believe it made the interview a little easier. I spent about an hour or so talking with Al and answering his questions. It helped that I had the Management Training experience in Miami, as well as having worked in all the different departments. I will always remember the ending of the interview when Al said: "Ray, you've got the job. Congratulations" As I got up to leave, Al said: Let me get your hat. I said thank you, but I didn't have one. I was told that when I left the office I was to buy a hat and never go out without it. (I don't think many people wear a hat today. Jack Kennedy changed the style when he went hatless.). In any event I bought a hat and became a District Sales Representative, working out of the Hartford office. Hip Lloyd offered his congratulations and told me that he would always be available for assistance if needed. In Many ways, the Connecticut Eastern Air Line employees were very much a family.

It was about that time that Helen told me the good news that Kathy and Karen were going to get a new baby sister or brother.


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